The application period for mortgage assistance to eligible residents impacted by COVID-19 offered by the Illinois Housing Development Authority (IDHA) opens Monday, August 24 and runs through Friday, September 4, State Representative Jeff Keicher (R-Sycamore) announced today.
The Emergency Mortgage Assistance (EMA) program will provide homeowners impacted by COVID-19 up to $15,000 to reinstate their mortgage and prepay through 2020 or until funds are exhausted. If approved, payment will be sent directly to the mortgage servicer approximately 7-10 days after the homeowner signs the Promissory Note. A second payment will occur up to one month after the first payment. IHDA will accept applications for mortgage assistance August 24 through September 4.
The Family Service Agency of DeKalb County is the local organization available to help residents with their applications and can be reached by phone at 815-758-8616.
“I encourage every local family experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19 to apply for emergency mortgage assistance through the state’s program,” said Representative Keicher. “The window to apply is only open for two weeks, making time of the essence. Please contact the outstanding folks at the Family Service Agency if you need help navigating the application process.”
Please view the enclosed “Frequently Asked Questions” document for additional information and eligibility criteria for the emergency mortgage assistance program.