Applications Now Being Accepted for Safe Routes to School Program

As students will soon to be trading swim bags for backpacks, the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) has announced that applications for the Safe Routes to School program are now being accepted. The program helps to support projects that make walking, biking and rolling to school a safe option for students.

Administered by IDOT using federal funds, Safe Routes to School advances projects that improve safety and reduce traffic in areas around schools, grades kindergarten through high school. The new grant cycle will distribute a total of $6 million, with a maximum award of $250,000. Projects may include new sidewalks, traffic-calming measures and improvements that increase accessibility for those with disabilities.

Successful applications will demonstrate how the projects encourage students to walk, bike or roll. Eligible applicants include school districts, local governments, planning organizations and nonprofit associations. Preference will be given to schools with higher percentages of low-income students and students with disabilities.

The deadline to apply is Oct. 2, with awards to be announced in the spring. For more information on the program, including selection criteria and details on how to register for webinars to assist in the application process, visit the Safe Routes to School homepage, Click Here, or email