Stay Safe on Halloween with these Trick or Treating Safety Tips

Trick or treating safety tips for Halloween:

▶️ Be Visible: You can put reflective tape or stickers on costumes, shoes, candy bags, strollers, or wagons. Glow sticks and flashlights are another great way to improve visibility while trick-or-treating.

▶️ the Rules of the Road: Use sidewalks whenever possible and try to cross streets at corners or crosswalks. Remind kids to look both ways when crossing the street and to walk rather than run from house to house.

▶️ Go in Groups: Don’t Trick or Treat alone. It’s safer (and more fun) to go together in a group. Kids should stick to familiar houses and neighborhoods they know.

▶️ Remember Food Safety: Inspect your child’s candy before they dig in. Be on the lookout for open or damaged packaging, homemade items, and potential allergens that could be unsafe for your child to eat.