State Sen. Dave Syverson (R-Cherry Valley) and State Rep. Jeff Keicher (R-Sycamore) are asking constituents to once again help lift the spirits of residents of long-term care facilities by making them Valentine’s Day cards. Last year, more than 10,000 valentines were collected from community members, churches, schools, businesses, and other groups from around the 35th Senate District and 70th House District.
Syverson and Keicher are encouraging community members, churches, schools, businesses, and other groups to participate by dropping off or mailing Valentine’s Day cards to their respective legislative offices in Cherry Hill, Sycamore and Hampshire. Once the cards have been collected, they will be delivered to residents of the various long-term care facilities in communities across the region.
Valentine’s Day cards will be accepted through Feb. 7.
Participants can either mail their cards or drop them off at:
527 Colman Center Dr., Cherry Valley, IL 61108 (815-987-7555)
158 W. State Street, Suite C, Sycamore, IL 60178 (815-748-3494)
115 W. Oak Knoll Dr., Route 72, Hampshire, IL 60140 (815-987-7555)
Contact Sen. Syverson’s office at 815-987-7555 or Rep. Keicher’s office at 815-748-3494 for more information.