Last Friday was the deadline in the Illinois House of Representatives for bills originating in the House to advance through the committee process for consideration by the whole House. Unfortunately, Friday’s session was abruptly canceled by the majority party, meaning more than a thousand bills filed this year were not given an opportunity to be heard or voted on in committee. This has effectively killed these bills that were not heard in committee.
Most of the committees of the House held lengthy meetings last week to look at the 810 bills that had been “posted for hearings.” Only about one-quarter of these bills (213 of the 810 bills posted) received votes and were reported to the House floor for further action. Of the 213 bills reported to the floor, only 32 (15% of the total) were filed by Republican members of the House. Of the total of 507 House bills that did get out of committee and sent to the floor this spring, 73 bills (14% of the overall total) were filed by Republican members of the House. It’s quite disheartening that the legislation allowed to advance was done so insuch a blatantly partisan way. Unfortunately, this is an all-too-common experience in Springfield.
Fortunately, three pieces of legislation I filed were given hearings and advanced to the House floor last week. This includes legislation to improve recovery support for children who have been victims of human trafficking, legislation dealing with roadside trash problems, and legislation ending an onerous requirement on senior citizen drivers.
Below is more information about legislation that did advance and other 70th District news.
Legislation Update & More
Bill package introduced to protect human trafficking victims.

In March, I joined with several colleagues to introduce a package of legislation to combat human trafficking and support victims. This often-overlooked form of modern-day slavery affects people of all ages and races, regardless of gender, and despite some recent progress, our state is failing when it comes to preventing these horrific crimes and helping victims heal. Read More Here.
Roundtable brings together local Ag. leaders.

On March 25, I was joined by House Minority Leader Tony McCombie and Rep. Brad Fritts as we hosted a joint Agriculture Roundtable at the DeKalb County Farm Bureau. The event brought together local agriculture leaders and farmers from across the 70th District and northern Illinois. Agriculture is Illinois’ #1 economic driver, and the more we do the help agriculture thrive in Illinois, the better it is for the entire state. Read More Here.
Bill to curb roadside trash problem unanimously passes committee.

For years, I’ve been frustrated with the trash that’s been windblown from waste haulers going from transfer stations to landfills through our communities. Besides the litter problem, trash blowing off waste trucks is a safety hazard, and it is damaging local farmers’ fields and equipment.
House Bill 4848 will help us curb the problem by strengthening the current requirement for how waste hauling trucks must cover their loads, as well as holding the companies accountable through an updated violation and fine process. Read More Here.
Bill to help underage trafficking victims recover advances.
Victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation, especially children, represent our most vulnerable, and we need to do everything we can to help them through their recovery process. That’s why I’m proud to be carrying House Bill 5465. The legislation builds on a law we passed last year by creating an easier process for child victims of trafficking to have their juvenile records expunged or sealed as a result of any criminal acts they were forced to take part in while being abused. Read More Here.
Bill ending onerous test for senior drivers clears committee.
In an 8-1 decision last week, Illinois House Transportation: Vehicles and Safety Committee members approved my legislation that would stop requiring people aged 79 and up to take driving tests when renewing their licenses, even if they have a clean driving record. The goal here is to end this age discrimination practice and move toward a process that evaluates all drivers based on their driving record, rather than simply their age. Data shows, contrary to popular belief, that older drivers are the least likely to be involved in crashes. Read More Here.
Joining the Capitol Crimes Podcast to discuss tackling human trafficking.
No matter where you live, whether it’s in a big city, a suburban neighborhood or a small rural town — our communities are impacted by human trafficking. I recently joined the Capitol Crimes: Crimes Behind the Legislation podcast to discuss how we are fighting human trafficking in Illinois and striving to help victims get their lives back on track. Read More Here.
Local high school students shine at Illinois YMCA Youth & Government program.

I recently had the opportunity to speak several local students who came to Springfield for the 3-day YMCA Youth & Government program. It is always inspiring to spend time with engaged students who want to learn more and be part of the democratic process in our country. The YMCA Youth & Government is a really fascinating and beneficial program. I highly recommend it to any high school students out there interested in honing their leadership skills and potentially pursuing a public policy career in the future. Read More Here.
I hope you’ve found this update helpful. I’m honored to serve you as your State Representative. As always, please feel welcome to call or e-mail me with any questions, concerns, or feedback on these or any other issues.