
Thursday, March 25, 2021
Keicher, Sosnowski Detail ‘Reimagine Illinois’ Platform

The Illinois House Republican caucus recently launched a new comprehensive platform called Reimagine Illinois. The plan outlines House Republicans’ priorities for the 102nd General Assembly and asks Illinoisans to ‘Reimagine’…

Friday, March 5, 2021
Keicher legislation on local government efficiency, taxpayer savings wins unanimous approval in House Committee

The Illinois House Counties & Townships Committee voted unanimously on Friday to approve House Bill 162, bipartisan legislation introduced and sponsored by State Rep. Jeff Keicher (R-Sycamore) that would require…

Monday, March 1, 2021
Middle School Art Contest Open to 70th District Students

Middle school students who live in the 70th Representative District are invited to submit artwork to the Legislative Art Contest offered by State Representative Jeff Keicher, R-Sycamore.  An overall winner…

Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Rep. Keicher tours Kishwaukee Water Reclamation District facility; touts appointment to Public Utilities Committee

State Rep. Jeff Keicher, R-Sycamore, met with officials of the Kishwaukee Water Reclamation District (KWRD) and toured their facility today, fresh off his recent appointment to the Public Utilities Committee…

Monday, February 22, 2021
Rep. Keicher appointed to Labor & Commerce Committee; seeks to build on recent efforts to benefit skilled trade unions & business groups

State Rep. Jeff Keicher, R-Sycamore, has been appointed to serve on the Labor & Commerce Committee for the new 102nd General Assembly in recognition of his legislative record of working…

Wednesday, February 17, 2021
Rep. Keicher statement in response to Governor’s Budget Address

State Rep. Jeff Keicher, R-Sycamore, issued the following statement today following Governor JB Pritzker’s Budget Address delivered virtually to the General Assembly and the people of Illinois: “I was encouraged…

Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Move Over Task Force report highlights continued risk on Illinois roadways; Rep. Keicher urges public vigilance

Another Illinois State Trooper was critically injured in a crash along I-55 on Monday, marking the sixth Scott’s Law related crash so far in 2021 involving the Illinois State Police;…

Thursday, February 11, 2021
Rep. Keicher: House Rules fall short of break with Madigan era

The Illinois House of Representatives voted Wednesday 70-44 along party lines to adopt rules for the legislative process over the next two years, following calls for a new era of…

Tuesday, February 2, 2021
Rep. Keicher named Spokesperson on Higher Education-Appropriations Committee

State Rep. Jeff Keicher, R-Sycamore, has been appointed the new Minority Spokesperson on the Higher Education-Appropriations Committee for the 2021-2023 legislative session. Higher Ed-Approp is the House committee that oversees…

Thursday, January 21, 2021
“Valentines for Seniors” Card Drive now through Feb. 10

State Rep. Jeff Keicher, R-Sycamore, is partnering with State Sen. Dave Syverson, R-Rockford, Winnebago County Board Chairman Joe Chiarelli and Belvidere Mayor Mike Chamberlain for a “Valentines for Seniors” card…