To address traffic congestion and safety concerns for several communities in western Kane County along the Illinois Route 47 corridor, the state legislators who represent the affected communities have sent…
December 7, 1941, will be forever known as ‘The Date That Will Live in Infamy’ in the United States. President Franklin Roosevelt uttered those words in response to the heinous…
A message from Rep. Jeff Keicher on the first day of Hanukkah: I want to wish all my brothers and sisters of the Jewish faith a happy Hanukkah 2023. I…
As we’re all pulling out the lights to decorate for the holidays, there are several good options to recycle those broken light strands so they can be repurposed instead of…
Living in Illinois means homeowners have to always be prepared for changes in the weather. The climate encapsulates all four seasons in Illinois, and staying ahead of the game can save…
Giving Tuesday is a global movement that inspires people to do good. Today is a reminder that we can all be generous in our communities and one small act can…
Canadian Pacific’s Holiday Train will be returning to Illinois during the upcoming holiday season, with four stops scheduled. This favorite holiday tradition features a bright light display, live music, and an appearance…
Small Businesses are the backbone of local economies. This Small Business Saturday be sure to shop local and support the small businesses that make our communities thrive!
The first Thanksgiving took place over 400 years ago, but the spirit of the holiday lives on today. It reminds us to be thankful for all that we have, including…
It’s a Thanksgiving classic many Illinoisans sit down to every year with pumpkin pie or mugs of cider. Starring Steve Martin and the late John Candy, Planes, Trains, & Automobiles is a…